(Updated February 2022) Opinion and Article Link Korean Dram Do You Like Brahms

Not allowed to copy and repost these Little Thing's (ndyra.blogspot.com) Posts to other sites. Take out info and links with full credit. Respect the sources. You're good person. 

Do You Like Brahms drama international fans, called Danwon (means 'member' related to orchestra) are gathering fund for first anniversary celebration of this drama. They also plan to send message book to Kim Minjae and Park Eunbin, also compile fans messages to other casts, Go Sohyun, Writer, Director, and even Making fairy if there's any..

If you wanna make a contribution, check them in instagram (https://www.instagram.com/p/CRQ-D5sNSp9/?utm_medium=copy_link) and twitter (https://twitter.com/danwonintl?lang=en). For Indonesian Danwon, you can send them direct message too (twitter: https://twitter.com/danwonindonesia?lang=en | instagram https://www.instagram.com/danwonindonesia/?hl=en). Thank you! *Ends on August

*UPDATE* Danwon International Project Succed! Check danwon_intl account on instagram and twitter for the proof!!! Thank you

Source: https://www.instagram.com/brahms_bd/?hl=en

My fav melo romance drama this year. Sampe ke making videonya.. Dari segi plot naik turun, tapi shot, emosi, line, dan pesannya nyampe banget. Sedikit cerita saya ngikutin perkembangan drama (saya suka pemainnya), awalnya drama ini direncanakan tayang bulan Juni. Namun apa karena pengaruh covid-19 atau jadwal artis juga jadinya drama ini baru bisa tayang akhir Agustus. Deskripsi awal sudah cukup menggambarkan, drama ini adalah tentang mahasiswa musik dan orang-orang sekitarnya. Bagaimana mereka menerima tentangan dan halangan. Deskripsi yang dikeluarkan selanjutnya adalah tentang mimpi mereka. Sampai keluar teaser, saya sama sekali nggak nyangka mereka justru mengeluarkan teaser romance lol. Apalagi ditambah unrequited love. Yah kirain slice of life gitu kan? Deskripsi karakter lalu muncul dan menampilkan kalimat bagaimana lead female meneteskan air mata melihat penampilan lead male. Mulanya berpikir, oh.. saking bagusnya ya? Tapi setelah nonton, ternyata itu disebabkan pandangannya sebagai seorang yang merasa tak bertalenta.. melihat betapa indahnya musik seorang jenius.. Hit the right spot! Ketika lead female juga tidak hanya trenyuh karena permainan bagusnya, namun karena piece tertentu yang dimainkan tersebut berjudul "dream" yang mengingatkan soal mimpinya sendiri. 

Ahhhhhh.. seiring berjalannya waktu, penulis drama ini yang awalnya saya kenal hanya sebagai penulis drama, terungkap pemain biola. Bukan sekedar pemain biola, pernah menjalani kuliah bisnis seperti lead female drama dan melanjutkan kuliah musik di Amerika, plus kerja di label musik Sony. Saya pun kemudian tahu Chief Producer drama punya andil di Warner Music Korea (entah musik klasikal atau bukan) dan bagaimana pemain utama punya background di musik.. Yup. Saya mengagumi mereka.

Setiap ngedengerin ostnya, jadi keinget orang-orang baik dan soft seperti mereka yang kadang sulit mengungkapkan ketidaksukaan atau perselisihan dengan orang lain. Semoga sampai akhir mereka tetap menjadi orang baik yang bahagia.

Just realized, this drama title, been asked by the female lead sounds like the question from doctor.. they made songah asked him this question, the one who pulled out his pain. Brahms music kinda like 'pain' for him before. -my opinion. They also made the start and the ending of this drama in same place, Seoul Art Center. The first question too: are you happy? The same answer me think in the end. Ahhhhhh rewatching the clips still makes me feels.. how beautiful the story is.. "1st teaser Dylb showing how 
Angel Songah as Joonyoung saviour opens 'his door'.. Later viewers see the actual scene before: the kind Joonyoung interrupts when Prof 'scolds' her"

This couple also look good in b/w outfits they often wear. Like 🎹 and mostly joonyoung is like that black tuts ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ as minor notes expressing sadness until songah come.. in my opinion songah can be happy alone with her violin as she knows what to do and how to handle her own self well, but yeah joonyoung complete it ☺️

Lyrics of My fav Ost by punch, seems like joonyoung pov towards jungkyung, as he let go of his long unrequited love

'If you can be happy, that's enough
While watching your shrinking figure
I can't bring myself 
If I can't adjust to this,
How can I come to forget you? 
These tears that have gotten cold
Cannot be considered part of our farewell
Return to me a bit less late
Even these tears that are falling will become part of my last farewell to you
Only one, just one thing
I hope you won't forget'

Article Link (not included Park Eunbin and Kim Minjae interview):
Park eunbin and Park Jihyun fashion https://m.blog.naver.com/iheeyoungi/222084607731 |  https://m.blog.naver.com/iheeyoungi/222086300040

Guide https://theqoo.net/brahms/1828107728

Promoting do you like Brahms script book http://www.outdoornews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=32239

still mentioned as novel material? Along with stove league and taxi driver drama http://naver.me/FT0LWcPR

It's not easy in the beginning of production, some threw back on this drama http://naver.me/5QxYF7M4

Popularity http://naver.me/5QxYF7M4 | http://naver.me/5UZu8KOa | http://naver.me/x1eT2nzc | CPI http://naver.me/Ff45c8Fu | CPI http://naver.me/G6YbIrdp | Video viewers http://naver.me/xvuwcCqU
Lowest rating, but received awards http://naver.me/GKo8wrGb


till episode 5 http://www.lecturernews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=51971



This one kinda comprehensive and I like it https://m.blog.naver.com/cooldream1505/222125236763

Classical music behind story http://www.mhns.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=418432

Classical music drama http://naver.me/GCMp0NDt

Relatable http://mtvdaily.asiae.co.kr/article.php?aid=15998859011557763019

Youth http://www.ilemonde.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=13471


Some viewers commented longing Do you like Brahms http://m.slist.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=198176

Review love and dream, love story embraces the reality http://naver.me/xOfp04LS

review youth and choose to be happy http://m.mediaus.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=196140

Women in this classical music drama http://topclass.chosun.com/mobile/topp/view.asp?idx=594&Newsnumb=202010594&ctcd=C36#_enliple


Captivating vewers http://www.sisaweek.com/news/curationView.html?idxno=137789

5 drama shines in 2020 


Included in best content category of 2020 http://naver.me/xkxHoupm

still mentioned as success romance drama? In 2021 https://www.ilyosisa.co.kr/mobile/article.html?no=231128

Do you Like Brahms - Record of Youth - Start Up http://naver.me/GhIdHEZR

Comforting youth in pandemic http://naver.me/xasqE34X

Park Eunbin and Kim Minjae acting http://www.entermedia.co.kr/news/articleView.html?

Kim minjae acting http://naver.me/5tLdwYq7

Expert vote for Park Eunbin https://m.news1.kr/articles/?4154356

Rookie writer http://naver.me/xSjMYVxS

Writer has the background http://naver.me/Fjra1VS9

Yamyam Entertainment post - Kim Minjae Behind The Scenes https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=29889841&memberNo=41451786

Musician Lang Lang interview http://naver.me/5ZupbalD

Knowing their stories through interviews~

Bae dabin http://naver.me/G3tEVQj9 (talked bout park eunbin too)| http://naver.me/5iYkOmMK

Lee yoojin (talked bout park eunbin too)



*Bae dabin and Lee Yoojin have music background..

Lee jiwon http://naver.me/FTnoFjxJ


A bit of her real life http://naver.me/x4cxtjC1

her intention in making this story http://naver.me/5ClYLvAZ | http://naver.me/5rLknAow

Ending words http://naver.me/GDESyWb4

expecting actors chemistry http://naver.me/FHZj2Wc8

deleted instagram posts insta https://theqoo.net/dyb/1710914793

Ryu Bori's foreword to the classical album  https://t.co/H58UF3Um6F (rough trans)

Director http://naver.me/56l0Gutw | http://naver.me/55XATZtM

Radio interview http://naver.me/FPa3PdMn *typedmaru user in twitter translated some, in her pinned tweet

Terimakasih danwon https://twitter.com/Retter_V/status/1328681430000439296?s=19



Shared on February 2022 https://m.dcinside.com/board/brahms/96173 second printing of script book *captured from writer's Instagram story

Sedikit cerita.. saya termasuk kagum sih sama dedikasinya korean fans drama Do You Like Brahms (danwons). Drama ini mungkin tidak terlalu populer bahkan di internasional dibanding drama lain yang video viewsnya bahkan sampai jutaan. Namun fansnya baik dalam maupun luar Korea begitu tersentuh hingga mau untuk berpartisipasi dalam fan project yang butuh 'effort' tidak sedikit. Apalagi mereka membuat pernak-pernik sendiri (dengan bantuan perajin ini dan itu) yang buanyak macemnya dan diberikan ke nggak cuma pemeran utama (2 orang biasanya), namun juga kru, seperti penulis, sutradara, produser, asisten sutradara, making video yang jumlahnya sekitar 6 orang? Woa.. konsistennya mereka bahkan berlangsung hingga memasuki 3 tahun setelah drama ini tamat. Speechless sih buat saya, soalnya liat drama lain.. ada yang nggak begini walau populer..

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I talked about my thought the most because I dont know the others mind^^ You can share your own here.

thank you very much for your comment. :)
Hope you can come back!!!

*Pssssst I'd like you to join my little survey here, wanna know from what fanbase you come.. so "who's your favorite actor/es from this drama?"